Tuesday, November 12, 2019


            "Logic" is a set of formal rules for examining ideas in order to determine whether they are true. Logic can be divided into two broad methods: deductive logic and inductive logic.

            Deductive logic reasons from statements about reality, called premises, to conclusions. Two or more premises may be combined in a syllogism to reach a conclusion.
            Deductive logic is often illustrated with the following example of a syllogism:

                        Premise 1: All men are mortal
                        Premise 2: Socrates is a man.
                        Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

             If the conclusion must follow from the premises - that is, if it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false - then the argument is valid. The above syllogism is valid because it's impossible for Socrates to be immortal if he is a man and if all men are mortal. Note that an argument being valid doesn't necessarily mean that its conclusion is true, only that it follows from the premises. It's possible to have a valid argument that's false:

                        Premise 1: All men are fish.
                        Premise 2: Socrates is a man.
                        Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is a fish.

            The conclusion follows from the premises, so it's a valid argument. But premise one is false, so the conclusion is also false. It's important to remember that "valid" doesn't mean "true." Valid refers to the structure of an argument, not the truth of its premises or conclusion.
            To get conclusions that are true, an argument must be sound: it must both have true premises and be valid. Sound arguments always yield conclusions that are true.
            Common mistakes when constructing syllogisms are Affirming the Consequent and Denying the Antecedent. In an if-then statement, such as "If you are a man, then you are mortal," the antecedent follows "if," and the consequent follows "then."

Affirming the Consequent:
Premise 1: All men are mortal
Premise 2: My fish is mortal.
Conclusion: Therefore, my fish is a man.

            This argument affirms the consequent. Premise one says that if you are a man, then you are mortal. The argument mistakenly takes premise one to also say that if you are mortal, then you are a man. But, "If you are a man, then you are mortal," is not the same as, "If you are mortal, then you are a man." The mistake occurs when one takes the truth of the consequent, the "then" part of the statement, to mean that the antecedent, the "if" part of the statement, is also true. The "then" part of premise one says that "you are mortal," and this is true of my fish. The mistake is in thinking that the "if" part of premise one, "you are a man," is also true of my fish. It is a mistake because being mortal is an attribute of being a man, but being a man is not an attribute of being mortal. The consequent, being mortal, is dependent on the antecedent, being a man, but the antecedent is not dependent on the consequent. If you are a man, you must be mortal, but lots of things are mortal, so being mortal doesn't mean that you must be a man.

Denying the Antecedent:
Premise 1: All fish are mortal
Premise 2: Socrates is not a fish.
Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is not mortal.

            This argument denies the antecedent. Premise one says that if you are a fish, then you are mortal. The argument mistakenly takes premise one to also say that if you are not a fish, you are not mortal. The mistake occurs when one takes the denial or falsehood of the antecedent to mean that the consequent is also false. "If you are a fish, then you are mortal," doesn't imply that, "If you are not a fish you are not mortal." It is a mistake because while if the antecedent is true, the consequent must be true, the falseness of the antecedent tells us nothing at all about the consequent. Knowing that something is not a fish tells us nothing at all about whether it's mortal. There may be many things that can cause the consequent. All we know is that the particular one described in the antecedent is not true. If you are a fish, then you are mortal, but lots of things are mortal, so not being a fish doesn't mean you're not mortal.

            Inductive logic is a method of reasoning in which an argument's premises show that the conclusion is probably true. Unlike deductive logic, where if the argument is sound, the conclusion must be true, in inductive logic even when the argument is sound, there is a possibility that the conclusion is false. Deductive logic takes the form, A and B, therefore C, while inductive logic takes the form, A and B, so probably C, too.
            Induction is used to make predictions about what is likely to be true based on our previous knowledge. Deduction reasons from the universal to the particular, from statements about all men to a statement about Socrates, a particular man. Induction extrapolates from the particular to the universal. We might look at Socrates and inductively come to conclusions about all men. The more evidence that points towards a conclusion, the stronger the inductive argument is and the more likely it is to be true. If we look at a hundred men, we can make better predictions about all men than if we only look at Socrates. Anything we see in Socrates might be peculiar to him, but if it is shared by a hundred other men, it is more likely that it is shared by all men. If we look at a million men, and the all share a feature, it is even more likely that it is shared by all men.
            I might make an inductive argument about the probability of my friend sharing his lunch:

1. Every time I've told my friend that I'm hungry, he offered to share his lunch.
2. If I tell him I'm hungry now, he'll probably offer to share his lunch.

            This is an inductive argument because the conclusion, while probable, is not certain. Perhaps today my friend is especially hungry, or perhaps I've offended him in some way, and so today he won't offer to share. But given that every other time I've told him I'm hungry, he offered to share his lunch, it's likely that he'll offer to share this time, too.
            The greater my experience, the more probable it is that my conclusion is correct. If my friend has offered to share two or three times, then his generosity in those instances may not be indicative of his usual behavior. If he has shared with me every day for the past year, then I can be pretty sure that he will share today, too.
            Most of science relies on inductive logic. If something is tested and we get the same result over and over, then we can be reasonably confident that we will always get that result. If it is tested by different people in different conditions and they also get the same result, then our confidence grows stronger. It's unlikely that the conclusion is false, but there is always the possibility that our conclusion will be overturned by new evidence that shows our inference was mistaken.